Have you ever wondered if acupuncture is there only for humans?
It’s not, the origins of animal acupuncture in China were nearly 3000 years ago and it was commonly applied to dogs, horses, and other animals. 🐕🐎🐈🐄
You may wonder why your dog would need such a treatment. Acupuncture is applied as just another therapy (even by veterinary doctors) to decrease pain and inflammation, aid healing, and restore the body’s natural balance.
Most commonly, acupuncture is used for problem such as:
🦮Hip dysplasia
🦮Intervertebral disc disease
🦮Nerve injury/paralysis/weakness
🦮Tendon injuries
🦮Pain & Mobility issues
🦮Chronic Gastroenteritis
🦮Geriatric Complaints
🐾And many more...
The needle insertion is literally painless for the dog and most pets actually relax and doze off during treatment. 🐶