Healed and recovered from an injury or planned surgery? 💪 But did you take good care of your scars? 🤔
No matter where they come from, scars must be treated well so that there is no stiff tissue created around and below them. In that case Qi (energy) can't flow and we are facing unwanted blocks that can become the source of further complications. 🌀
This includes all sizes of scars and all areas of your body.
Think about a belly piercing for instance. If you woke up one day and decided to remove it, good for you 😉 but there is a bit more to do… Since this specific piercing/scar lies on the meridian of the “conception vessel”, we definitely don't want to have any blocks there. If you can palpate a little knot under the scar a couple of acupuncture sessions can soften it and heal the scar entirely. ☯️