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In order to achieve a healthy sleep, TCM recommends respecting the polarities of Yin and Yang. What does that mean? Be fully awake during the day and respect time for sleep during the night. Sounds quite unsophisticated, right? But are you truly differentiating between these two?

Your DAY (Yang) should be full of attention to the world outside, having an active mind and focusing on the energy in your body

Your NIGHT (Yin) is about inward attention, putting away all the thoughts and activities and deep relaxation. 

Just take a moment to think about how your typical evening looks and if it is the best for your sleep.

Why can't you get no sleep?

There are different causes of sleeplessness according to TCM. Which one is yours?

  1. Fire (of the Heart / Liver) - problems falling asleep, restlessness, thinking 

  2. Yin deficit (of the Heart): restlessness, palpitations, hot feet and palms, night sweating

  3. Blood deficit (of the Heart / Liver): excessive amount of dreams /nightmares, sleepwalking, headaches

  4. Stagnation of food: insomnia after overeating (can be chronic)

  5. Insufficiency of the Spleen: overthinking, tiredness, weakness, lack of appetite 

  6. Weakness of the Gallbladder: early waking, nervousness from the upcoming day, shyness, fear from sleeping alone

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