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Why to be careful with coffee

I know many of you won't like Traditional Chinese Medicine's take on coffee. But it's always worth learning more about the effects of this delicious drink on our health.

According to TCM, coffee is associated with a bitter taste and the heart meridian, having drying and warming effects. 

It should never be consumed as a stimulant in moments of low energy (which is what most of us do), since it only creates a spiral of energy debt. TCM explains that coffee itself doesn't contain the energy it seems to suddenly give us, it actually works only as a mechanism that reaches out to our reserves (our life essence lying in kidneys). It's a false boost of energy that we borrow from tomorrow. Overconsumption leads to a deficiency of kidneys and in case of women it has negative effects on their breast and uterus.

Nevertheless, there is nothing wrong about a cup of coffee after Sunday lunch but if your body simply can't “work” properly without a coffee kick as the first thing in the morning, you should ask yourself why is your energy missing from the very start of the day.

TCM advises to definitely avoid coffee in case you suffer from any of these problems:

  • gastric ulcer

  • excessive sweating

  • sleeping problems

  • dry skin

  • constipation

  • sensitivity to cold

  • menopause and pregnancy

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