In TCM (similarly as in Ayurveda), a consistent daily routine is crucial. It gives the body and mind a chance to ground and work properly.
Wake up at the same time
Scrape your tongue (Ayurvedic practice to remove the bacteria-filled coating on the tongue and to stimulate the digestive system)
Brush your teeth
Drink a cup of warm water with a few drops of lemon juice (to cleanse and awaken the digestive tract, and encourage a bowel movement)
Eliminate (bowel movement each morning is a sign of a healthy digestive system) – if you are not eliminating daily, be sure your diet includes of plenty of fluids (!!!) and fibre
Eat regular meals (irregular meals and snacking weaken the digestive fire) – always favor warm, cooked meals, create a healthy sense of hunger and have your largest meal at lunch time
Sleep 7-9 hours every day, not less but also not more (for women it is essential to go to sleep before 11pm to keep a regular and smooth menstruation cycle)