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Fire element and how to balance it

There is still some time until summer and the season ruled by the Fire element. But if your personality is influenced by Fire, you can observe these behaviours in yourself, no matter the time of the year. 🔥

You are energetic, passionate and strong-willed. You can easily inspire others with your charisma, courage and intuition, you even help them believe that their dreams can come true. 😍💭🤩

Your natural tendency is to be joyful and enjoy the company of others. On the other hand, when you’re out of balance, you may become over-excited, experience anxiety symptoms or sleeping disorders. 😖 Does fire personality sound like you?🔥


As a Fire-spirit, you need to take care of your nervous system.🔥😖 Take the usual steps to manage your stress levels with meditation and relaxation techniques.🧘

Try to end each exciting day 🤩 with some dedicated wind-down time before sleep – that can be with some gentle stretches or a gentle walk before going to bed. 😴

Stay cool 😎 but literally cool ❄ make sure you don't get overheated and that you don't expose yourself to very hot weather. Drink lots of water and include small servings of bitter foods (e.g. bitter-tasting salad veggies like rocket) as they have cooling properties according to TCM. 💧🥗

If you have a Fire constitution, you can also enjoy red foods like tomatoes, capsicum, raspberries and strawberries. 🍓🍅 And when it gets really hot, cool yourself down with some watermelon, which is traditionally said to also cool heat in the heart meridian. 🍉❤️

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