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How we get sick

The adventurous journey of a pathogen into your body from TCM perspective. 🛤️🦠

Our bodies are protected by a specific type of Qi “We Qi” (essentially our immunity) which is created through a complicated process starting with the food we eat (most importantly!), air we breathe, energy we were born with, etc.🛡️If this protective shield gets vulnerable (~ has a few “holes”), an external hostile Qi "Xie Qi" can get into our body.

🌬️ Cherchez la femme? Non! Cherchez le vent. 🌬️

In most cases the whole journey starts with wind – the so-called “carrier of 100 diseases”. 🚚 Imagine a truck that can transport all the other kinds of Xie Qi (cold, heat, dumpiness). ❄️🔥💦

The first fight between the protective Wei Qi and hostile Xie Qi occurs on the surface of our bodies. That’s when at the beginning of a cold or flu our whole body hurts, we feel heavy, with chills, we are sneezing… The Xie Qi didn’t get into the body yet and it is a crucial moment to drink some strong ginger tea, wrap our bodies and sweat the pathogen out of the body.☕️😓 Remember, ginger opens the pores and facilitates this process, but you need to make sure you stay covered! And stay still! 🙏🛌There is an ongoing battle, so no time for other requests.

If we lose this primary battle, the Xie Qi gets deeper, creates high fever, cough, rhinitis. 🤒

What can you do? Act fast!

Don’t wait for the symptoms to develop. It’s the very beginning of this battle when TCM can help you win, with herbs, cupping, gua sha or with a simple ginger tea.☯️

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