1 cup of walnuts
1 cup of almonds
1cup of coconut flakes
1/2 a cup of cashews
pumpkin seeds
sunflower seeds
3 tbsp chia seeds
3 flaxseed (ground!)
2 tsp cinnamon
maple syrup to taste (approx. 4 tbsp)
(optionally coconut sugar, panel)
coconut oil (approx. 2 tbsp)
pinch of salt (!!!)
There are many recipes for a grain-free granola - it all depends on your personal preference of nuts and seeds (and you can use any).
Chop the nuts into small pieces and mix all the ingredients in a large bowl. Spread on baking paper and bake at 160-170 degrees for about 20-30 minutes. Check and stir often so that the granola is baked evenly.
