Looking for a balanced savoury breakfast? This rich and warm breakfast is TCM approved.
half cup of polenta
water (milk)
dried or fresh herbs (cilantro, basil, dill)
dried tomatoes
salt, pepper, (turmeric)
parmesan or nutrition yeast (vegan option)
1 tbsp butter / ghee
Prepare the polenta following the instructions on the package. You can cook it with water or a mixture of water and milk for a smoother taste. Add herbs and chopped dried tomatoes, salt, pepper or turmeric. When it's ready add a tablespoon of butter and a bit of parmesan or a tablespoon of nutrition yeast for better taste. Prepare the eggs as you like and serve with warm salad (e.g. roasted zucchini and red pepper with sunflower seeds and fresh rocket salad).